Not Much Travel Happening

Not much travel happening.  Okay that is not entirely true.  It just seems a lot less than what we are used to! We shared with you a journey of a different kind that we embarked on about a year ago, along with our church family a journey called Uncharted. This journey did not require us to physically change locations for the most part. It is really more emotional and spiritual.  

Within this Uncharted journey we shared with you that both Tracey and I returned to the work force.  I remained doing what I have been doing for the past two years in the finance office at our church, I moved from volunteer to part time employee. Tracey on the other hand jumped full force into a GM position at a local restaurant. 

We went from being retired, traveling whenever we wanted to now working again and Tracey not just working but working 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week. 

Turning a struggling restaurant into a success is not just something he is good at, it is a passion. 

For the past five months our lives were turned upside down from what we were used to. Some things we expected but there were definitely things that threw us for a loop. 

By Christmas we were in the throws of this new norm and we had donated all of our pay to our church! A very odd but amazing feeling. 

As we are quickly entering the third month of this new year our journey remains the same with some changes along the way.

I am working a few more hours than I originally planned, I do love what I do. I am also adjusting to carving out time to get other things done while working a job. Funny how quickly we adjust to not working and how slowly we adjust to being back at work. It’s the little things like running out of clean clothes before realizing I need to do laundry!

Tracey’s journey has changed the most. God’s timing is so perfect.  After 5 months of working diligently to accomplish exactly what he promised he would, he came to the conclusion the owner really didn’t want help. So after much prayer and soul searching the decision was made to leave the GM position.  

The new journey is within our church working along side our Pastoral Care Ministry. This is such a perfect fit for Tracey and we are excited to see what God does with him. 

With this change came the ability to add back in some of our normal-ness, some of what our lives used to be.

Tracey has been able to attend church and our Bible study group regularly again. He sees our daughter more, has helped her study for tests, and jumped right back into their sarcastic banter. We have also been able to add some travel back into our schedules.  

I managed to sneak away to see our granddaughters a couple of times but he could not get away from the restaurant.  I was able to take our daughter to her competition in California but he could not get away from the restaurant.  

So two weeks ago we “ran away” for a long weekend in our RV to one of our favorite places with some of our favorite people. We spent a long relaxing weekend at Double Adobe Shotgun Sports and Campground in Bisbee.  Although we would have loved to stay about two weeks the 4 days was a welcomed getaway. 

We are gearing up for a quick trip to San Diego to watch our daughter and her synchro skate team compete.  Not just a get away but time with our daughter and first time in quite awhile that Tracey has seen her skate. 

Following that we will head off to Texas for a week over spring break, Tracey will spend Easter in Texas, then it’s Country Thunder!! Late in May we will join our oldest son and his wife in San Antonio for the Kenny Chesney concert. July will take us to new territory as Caitlynn competes in Sun Valley Idaho. There’s a chance Tracey may get to experience Hawaii for his first time come September and October will find us on a whirlwind trip to Disney world.

See it almost sounds like our normal life!!

We hope this finds you all well and enjoying life.  Continue to pop in and see where we manage to run off to. 

“Live, Travel, Adventure, Bless, and don’t be sorry”

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